Uzcategui vs Plant Fight Stats
Plant defeats Uzcategui for IBF title
In his first world title fight, unbeaten Caleb Plant captured the IBF Super Middleweight crown with a UD win over Jose Uzcategui on PBC on FS1

In his first world title fight, unbeaten Caleb Plant captured the IBF Super Middleweight crown with a UD win over Jose Uzcategui on PBC on FS1
- Name
- Record
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- KOs (KO %)
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- Weight
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- Height
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- Reach
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- Stance
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant
- Age
- Jose Uzcategui
- Caleb Plant