Subriel Matias vs Jeremias Ponce Fight Stats
Matias Defeats Ponce
Despite a slow start, Subriel Matias turns up the heat and forces Jeremias Ponce's corner to wave off the fight after the conclusion of the fifth round of their IBF World Junior Welterweight Championship. Matias wins by TKO5 and improves to 19-1 (19 KOs).
![Subriel Matias photo](
![Jeremias Ponce photo](
Despite a slow start, Subriel Matias turns up the heat and forces Jeremias Ponce's corner to wave off the fight after the conclusion of the fifth round of their IBF World Junior Welterweight Championship. Matias wins by TKO5 and improves to 19-1 (19 KOs).
- Name
- Record
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- KOs (KO %)
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- Weight
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- Height
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- Reach
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- Stance
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce
- Age
- Subriel Matias
- Jeremias Ponce