Serhii Bohachuk vs Brian Mendoza Fight Stats
Bohachuk Defeats Mendoza
Serhii Bohachuk (24-1, 23 KOs) takes home a unanimous decision over Brian Mendoza (22-4, 16 KOs) to win the Interim WBC Super Welterweight Title.

Serhii Bohachuk (24-1, 23 KOs) takes home a unanimous decision over Brian Mendoza (22-4, 16 KOs) to win the Interim WBC Super Welterweight Title.
- Name
- Record
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- KOs (KO %)
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- Weight
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- Height
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- Reach
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- Stance
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza
- Age
- Serhii Bohachuk
- Brian Mendoza