Rigondeaux vs Casimero Fight Stats
Caismero defeats Rigondeaux
WBO Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero defeated two-division champion Guillermo Rigondeaux to retain his title Saturday night live on SHOWTIME headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

WBO Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero defeated two-division champion Guillermo Rigondeaux to retain his title Saturday night live on SHOWTIME headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.
- Name
- Record
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- KOs (KO %)
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- Weight
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- Height
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- Reach
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- Stance
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero
- Age
- Guillermo Rigondeaux
- John Riel Casimero