Martin vs Marinez Fight Stats
Martin Defeats Marinez
Unbeaten rising star Frank Martin (16-0, 12 KOs) showed the full complement of skills that has made him one of the most talked-about up-and-comers in the 135-pound division, as he delivered a methodical destruction on his way to stopping Jackson Mariñez (19-3, 7 KOs) in the 10th and final round.

Unbeaten rising star Frank Martin (16-0, 12 KOs) showed the full complement of skills that has made him one of the most talked-about up-and-comers in the 135-pound division, as he delivered a methodical destruction on his way to stopping Jackson Mariñez (19-3, 7 KOs) in the 10th and final round.
- Name
- Record
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- KOs (KO %)
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- Weight
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- Height
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- Reach
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- Stance
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez
- Age
- Frank Martin
- Jackson Mariñez