Jarrett Hurd vs Armando Resendiz Fight Stats
Resendiz Defeats Hurd
Armando Reséndiz scores a TKO stoppage over Jarrett Hurd after the ringside doctor stops the fight in the opening seconds of round 10 due to a severe laceration on Hurd's lip.

Armando Reséndiz scores a TKO stoppage over Jarrett Hurd after the ringside doctor stops the fight in the opening seconds of round 10 due to a severe laceration on Hurd's lip.
- Name
- Record
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- KOs (KO %)
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- Weight
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- Height
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- Reach
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- Stance
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz
- Age
- Jarrett Hurd
- Armando Resendiz