Frampton vs Quigg Fight Stats
Frampton wins by SD
Carl Frampton controlled the first half of the fight and won a split decision over Scott Quigg in their 122-pound title unification bout.

Carl Frampton controlled the first half of the fight and won a split decision over Scott Quigg in their 122-pound title unification bout.
- Name
- Record
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- KOs (KO %)
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- Weight
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- Height
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- Reach
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- Stance
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg
- Age
- Carl Frampton
- Scott Quigg