David Whitmire vs Angel Munoz Fight Stats
Whitmire Defeats Munoz
In a six-round welterweight battle between undefeated prospects, 19-year-old David “The Bodysnatcher” Whitmire (9-0, 6 KOs) prevailed with a clear, but competitive, unanimous decision over 22-year-old Ángel “Machete” Muñoz (7-1, 5 KOs) as all three judges scored the fight 60-54 in favor of Whitmore.

In a six-round welterweight battle between undefeated prospects, 19-year-old David “The Bodysnatcher” Whitmire (9-0, 6 KOs) prevailed with a clear, but competitive, unanimous decision over 22-year-old Ángel “Machete” Muñoz (7-1, 5 KOs) as all three judges scored the fight 60-54 in favor of Whitmore.
- Name
- Record
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- KOs (KO %)
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- Weight
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- Height
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- Reach
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- Stance
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz
- Age
- David Whitmire
- Angel Munoz