Cody Crowley vs Abel Ramos Fight Stats
Crowley Defeats Ramos
In the pay-per-view opener, unbeaten welterweight contender Cody Crowley (22-0, 9 KOs) grinded out a hard-fought majority decision over Abel Ramos (27-6-2, 21 KOs) in a 12-round WBC Title Eliminator.

In the pay-per-view opener, unbeaten welterweight contender Cody Crowley (22-0, 9 KOs) grinded out a hard-fought majority decision over Abel Ramos (27-6-2, 21 KOs) in a 12-round WBC Title Eliminator.
- Name
- Record
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- KOs (KO %)
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- Weight
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- Height
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- Reach
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- Stance
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos
- Age
- Cody Crowley
- Abel Ramos