Bizier vs Lawson Fight Stats
Kevin Bizier wins by 10th-round technical knockout
In a clash of rising 147-pound contenders, Kevin Bizier took the fight to Fredrick Lawson from the opening bell and punished his unbeaten opponent for 10 rounds, with Lawson failing to answer the bell after the 10th round because of a broken jaw.
In a clash of rising 147-pound contenders, Kevin Bizier took the fight to Fredrick Lawson from the opening bell and punished his unbeaten opponent for 10 rounds, with Lawson failing to answer the bell after the 10th round because of a broken jaw.
- Name
- Record
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- KOs (KO %)
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- Weight
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- Height
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- Reach
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- Stance
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson
- Age
- Kevin Bizier
- Fredrick Lawson